My 40’s Era: How I’m stepping into the next chapter
My 30’s were a series of Tower moments. It started great, I finally had everything most little girls dream of: The partner, the kids, the house, the stable job… yet, I was miserable.
I tried everything to “fix” myself.
I had everything I ever wanted, so I was obviously the problem!
Not only was I trying to excel at everything, I was hating myself hoping I would suddenly be happy.
I prayed for answers.
I prayed for help.
And that’s when the Tower moments started. In tarot, the Tower card is a card of complete transformation and that’s exactly what the image shows. A tall tower, on fire, with people falling out. I usually interpret it as “your life being shaken to make what isn’t meant to stay, fall out”.
When it happens in your life for real, you desperately try to hold on to ANYTHING that is being shaken out.
It gets uncomfortable real quick and you just want to get back to your comfort.
You pray, but this time you ask God to forgive you, to bring the people back into your life. It wasn’t that bad, you were just being whiny and ungrateful.
But the Universe knows better and keeps shaking. And it shakes until you finally let things fall out.
Until you smile and say “Thank you” when you get fired from your job and have no backup.
Until you get dumped and say “OK” and have nothing but gratefulness for this person and the time you had together, however short it was.
Until you realize that was is being shaken out is only leaving to make space for better, what’s really meant for you.
Until you finally release your grasp and start trusting.
My 30’s were spent struggling, learning and trying to fix myself; and slowly brought me to unlearning, becoming, and realizing I was never broken.
It was never about needing to learn how to be better, it was about coming home to ME. Discovering WHO I am. Being curious, open & vulnerable.
It was never about fixing myself, it was about forgiving,accepting, and loving myself just as I am.
It was never about doing more, it was about BEING!
My 30’s were a crazy ride of figuring me out.
Of being kind and patient with myself.
Of letting go of the outside (and inside) expectations.
And finding joy in the little moments.
And now, I’m entering my 40’s with the knowledge that I still have so much of this adventurous journey ahead.
Feeling more confident, secure, and happy.
I think it’s when you finally accept that you don’t have all the answers that you can truly begin to enjoy life.
It’s not about figuring it out. It’s not about finding success, love, or anything.
It’s about enjoying the ride, wherever it may take you, because you now trust that the Universe might actually know what it’s doing.
It’s not about forcing yourself into places and relationships where you don’t belong so you can satisfy this need to fit in, it’s about embracing life fully, building something beautiful for yourself, and becoming so magnetic that the right people and opportunities naturally find you - allowing you to create your own version of success.
If my 30’s were so chaotic but turned out to be the best years of my life, I am excited to see what my 40’s will bring.
Less resistance.
More trust.
More JOY!
So, coffee cheers to growing, glowing and becoming more ME authentically
in the next decade!
40 lessons by 40
Just the thought of making this list was scary. Like… did I even learn 40 lessons in my entire life?! LOL. But here we are, and I promise these aren’t your usual “drink more water” lessons (though, yes, hydration is key).
So, without further delay… let’s get into it:
1. The most recent lesson is the first one I want to share.
Every morning, I open YouTube and see what videos my Guides have queued up for me (because yes, I’ve decided they talk to me through social media, videos, and oddly specific Instagram quotes). This week, I got “I Gave Up, and the Universe Delivered.”
The gist? Your life purpose is joy. Not to hustle more, fix more, or do more. Just to stay in the high-vibe vortex and feel good.
Honestly, that takes a whole lot of pressure off. Right?!
2. Need clarity? Ask yourself: What advice would I give my daughter?
Then go do that. Immediately.
3. Similar thought: If your son treated his future partner the way your partner treats you, would you be proud?
If the answer is no… you already know what to do. Run.
4. Say YES and figure out the HOW later.
You’ve done it before. You’ll do it again.
5. Speaking of which—when Ethan said he needed $5,000 for his Europe trip, I didn’t even flinch.
I just said YES. And guess what? I figured it out. So, maybe it’s time to start saying YES to myself in the same way.
6. When Adèle tells me something hurts, I instantly book her acupuncture, physio, or massage.
So why am I not doing that for myself?! Newsflash: I deserve to be cared for, too.
7. Can you do something about it right now? Yes? Do it. No? Let it go.
Example 1: Did I leave my straightener on? Text my daughter to check.
Example 2: Waking up at 3 AM worried about saving for my son’s college… when he’s THREE?! No immediate action needed. Go back to sleep.
8. “Only three more!”
Working out has taught me that when you think you cannot go on, you absolutely can. Life is the same…except there’s no instructor yelling, “Three more weeks! Three more days!” But imagine there is, and push through.
9. Rest is productive.
Yes, I’m a mom, and yes, I know you don’t always get to refill your cup all the way. But even small sips of self-care keep you going. Take them.
10. Everything tastes better in a fancy glass.
And yes, buying that new water bottle will make you drink more water. Science.
11. Move your body daily—but make it something YOU love.
Hate the gym? No problem. Dance, hike, do Pilates in your living room—just move.
12. Your body is doing miracles for you daily.
Your heart beats without you thinking about it. Your lungs fill with air on autopilot. Maybe appreciate that before you get sick and suddenly become grateful for clear sinuses.
13. We live on a floating rock in space because one sperm made it to one egg… and you don’t believe in magic?!
14. Never say, “I’ll do it in the morning.”
Because future you is going to hate you for it. And probably not do it at all.
15. When in doubt, dance it out.
90% of problems are fixable with music and movement.
16. Feeling off? Try this:
• Hate everyone? Eat something.
• Feel like everyone hates you? Sleep.
• Hate yourself? Take a shower.
• Feel like everyone hates everyone? Go outside.
17. Romanticize your life.
Smile bigger. Take up space. If they think you’re too much, encourage them to go find less.
18. Skincare > Makeup.
You can always add glow, but nothing beats naturally radiant skin.
19. Learn from your kids.
Just because you’re the adult doesn’t mean you know everything.
20. And treat your kids with respect.
If you want them to listen to you, listen to them.
21. Learn to receive.
Stop deflecting compliments. Just say thank you. Then work your way up to accepting bigger things.
22. Does this make you happy? Yes? Keep going. No? Scrap it.
Easier said than done, but we’re working on it.
23. People don’t always want to see you succeed—they want you to stay the same.
Move in silence. Stop announcing. Start showing.
24. Treat your body, mind, and soul like you love yourself.
Because you should.
25. Spring always comes back.
And I’m not just talking about the weather.
26. The little things? They’re actually the big things.
27. Be extra kind to people in customer service.
Trust me, they need it.
28. If something doesn’t work for you, stop forcing it.
Whether it’s a manifestation method, a relationship, or a pair of jeans that makes you feel meh—let it go.
29. Your dream life? It’s not that far away.
It’s built from small, consistent choices.
30. If a stranger can change your life in 5 weeks, imagine what the right person could do in a lifetime.
31. Sometimes the Universe moves fast when you least expect it.
Stay open.
32. Your 40s are your reinvention era.
And I’m so ready for mine.
33. Becoming your best self is about unlearning just as much as it is about learning.
34. Sometimes the dream life you’re chasing isn’t actually yours—it’s just what you thought you wanted.
Take time to reimagine it.
35. Your intuition? Always right.
Even when you don’t want it to be.
36. Joy is magnetic.
The more you have, the more you attract.
37. Wear more red.
Because Venus in Aries said so.
38. You don’t have to wait until you’re rich to feel rich.
Start embodying her now.
39. There’s always another version of you waiting on the other side of a big leap.
Take it.
40. And finally—COFFEE CHEERS!
Because you already know I’m not ending this any other way.
The Woman I’ve Become
I’ll be honest—when ChatGPT first suggested that this would be a good blog post, I was a little worried.
What? Who? Like… hunh?
Then I took a moment to reflect.
What would past versions of me have to say about the woman I am today?
And, well, they’re not all impressed.
Child me wonders why I’m not married. That was our big dream—to be able to say, “We’ve been together for 50 years!”
Teen me thinks it’s cool that my kids actually want to spend time with me, so we have her vote.
20-something me is judging. HARD.
30-something me? She’s fucking proud.
And to all those versions of me, I can say: I tried. I did the best I could.
Mini Nadia, I was married. It’s a little hard to explain, but I picked a guy because I thought it was time to choose from what was available. I’m not saying he wasn’t a good person, but he definitely wasn’t my person.
So yes, I had the beautiful dress, and I got to see my family dress up and celebrate with us. But I also had the sleepless nights, the silent loneliness, the kind of exhaustion that doesn’t come from a lack of rest but from trying so hard to make something work that was never meant to.
Mini Nadia, what I’m trying to say is—I kept the frog, even though he never turned into the prince. Because I didn’t believe the prince would ever come.
Parts of you were hurt, and they followed you all the way here. Parts of you that made you feel like you were asking for too much. Like you were broken. Unlovable. Too much and yet never enough. Like if you just stayed quiet long enough—figured out who you needed to be around someone—they would love you.
Mini Nadia, you believed love was something you had to work for.
And work hard, you did.
But somehow, everyone you loved left. And that only reinforced the idea that you just didn’t work hard enough. Fight enough. Love enough. That you weren’t enough.
Mini Nadia, it took us a long time, but we don’t believe those lies anymore.
I’m sorry it took me so long to see you, accept you, and love you.
And you know what really brought it home for me?
I thought about my daughter. If she came home, heartbroken over some boy, and told me she was unworthy, unlovable… My first thought was, I’d dropkick her for saying such foolish things!
And then it hit me—why, then, do I believe that about myself?
Teen me, you started something without even realizing it. When you signed up to lead the Carnival Committee, you lit a spark in us.
It was way outside your comfort zone, but you took deep breaths and pushed through. And I don’t think I ever stopped to thank you—to celebrate you—for that.
Following that, you became Student Council President, joined the Richelieu Club, organized a Forum Jeunesse (basically a leadership camp), and so much more.
You were doing the whole “say YES and figure it out later” thing way before it was a cute, Instagrammable quote.
Thank you for showing me who we could be.
You were trying to figure out who you were and who you could be in this life.
You had to grow up quickly, so this phase of your life was short-lived. But it laid a foundation stronger than you ever realized.
20-something me.
You became a mom before you even got to be a young adult. You traded one responsibility for another—only this time, it was a life.
Ethan came into your world to show you what true love really is. (And almost 19 years later, he still does.)
But with this little bundle of happiness also came a lot of tears. Friendships ended. Other moms in mom groups judged. You were so alone in a time when you needed a village.
But you did what you always do—you put your head down and made your way through.
You built a life for yourself and for him. You gave him everything you could. You weren’t celebrated, thanked, or told you were doing a good job.
But you knew. And you kept going.
You can’t take all the credit for the incredible young man he’s become—because he has a lot to contribute to that—but you deserve a whole lot of it.
Your 20s were all about other people.
It started with Ethan. Then you met the man who would become your husband.
Then your daughter came along—a real Velcro baby, glued to you every second.
You were surrounded. Overstimulated. And still… so alone.
Your 20s were all about questioning yourself:
Why aren’t I happy yet?
You had the man. The kids. The house. The job. The life.
So why weren’t you happy?
The relationship… I don’t even know what words would fit.
You felt broken. Used. Worthless.
And then, this man with the gorgeous blue eyes looked at you.
He took an interest, and you jumped right in.
You made it work.
You kept quiet because—he was doing you a favor by loving you.
You couldn’t dare ask for more.
You spent eight years without real communication.
He was there.
You were there.
That’s it.
No dreams. No deep conversations. No connection. Just two people, existing under the same roof.
You spent your 20s blaming yourself. Trying to hate yourself into happiness.
If I can just be better… If I can just be grateful enough… If I can just try harder…
And then your 30s came.
And you kept waiting.
This year will be better.
It never was.
30 turned into 31. Then 32.
You got married.
You felt alone.
You cried yourself to sleep every night.
And a few months after your wedding, you made a promise to yourself—to save your marriage.
Because you were failing. Hard.
But when you’re fighting alone, the battle is already lost.
So at 33, your world fell apart.
You were left broken. Abandoned. Betrayed.
But after the shock, the numbness, the crying, and the hate—you decided to take your power back.
Your spiritual journey began.
You journaled, you bawled, you drowned yourself in self-help.
You did the work.
You got tired.
You wanted to give up.
And somewhere along the way, you realized—this whole “self-healing” thing wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.
You went from thinking you were broken and unlovable…
To thinking you needed to be fully healed before you could be worthy of love.
So when love didn’t knock, you sighed in despair.
I must not be healed enough yet.
So you quit.
You took a step back from the self-proclaimed gurus and just let life flow.
And slowly, you found yourself.
Your 30s were such an amazing part of your journey. So much growth and sel-love happened.
You walked through fire, unlearning, healing, becoming. You learned how to love yourself, not in the surface-level, self-care routine way, but in the real way.
The kind of love that lets you walk away from anything that doesn’t serve you.
And finally… I see her now.
She’s strong.
She’s worthy.
She is enough.
And as I step into my 40s, all I can say is—if I loved my 30s this much, I can only imagine how incredible my 40s will be.
So, to the woman I’ve become—cheers to you.
You made it.
And you know the best is yet to come.
Coffee cheers to 40!
The Morning Routine That Actually Works (No 5AM Alarm Required)
I get it, sleep is amazing. We barely get enough as it is, so why in the world would I want to be an early bird?
About 10 years ago, I won a copy of the book “A Miracle Morning”. I saw the tagline “transform your life before 8AM”, I laughed and laughed and put the book away. No way.
Fast forward a few months, my toddler was needing a little less constant attention and I felt like maybe I could think about picking up a book again.
I went to my bookshelf and started combing through what I had.
Too big.
Too boring.
Too educational..
Until I grabbed the Miracle Morning and thought “maybe this one is just right” it’s a small book and the text is quite big. Ease my way into it.
As soon as I opened it though, my life was transformed. After a few chapters I had already decided that I would become a morning person.
At around the same time, I had started an online fitness business and the book made it very clear - miracles would happen.
So, I set my alarm for 5:45AM and got everything ready for my morning S.A.V.E.R.S. (Silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and scribing).
Day after day.
Tired or not.
Up all night with the kiddos or not.
I was up at 5:45.
But my life didn’t change.
My business didn’t pick up.
Other than being exhausted, this morning routine thing brought nothing to me.
So, I turned off the alarm and decided that sleep would be much better for me anyways.
I would wake up to the sound of the kiddos. Jump out of bed and straight into the chaos of the day.
It didn’t take long for me to realize that even though my morning routine didn’t make me a millionaire, it did make me a better mom.
A calmer mom.
A more patient mom.
A mom who had a moment to herself before being needed by everyone else.
I made a plan. Not as intense as the S.A.V.E.R.S., but something that would save me.
It was the best decision - ever!
I made sure it fit my needs and my schedule.
I also made sure it could be switched around. One morning, I would say my affirmations as I waited for my coffee. The other, I would stretch my tired body. I could just wake up and ask myself, “What do you need right now?” and not feel guilty if the answer was reading in bed.
Phew! Okay!
Let’s get back to the present moment.
10 years later.
With one kid away to University and a teenager who sleeps all day.
My alarm no longer needs to be set for 5:45 to get some quiet morning time that’s for sure, but there’s something about the peacefulness of mornings that you just don’t get past 8AM.
I’m not saying you need to make a drastic change, but I’m saying that if your body insists of waking you up at 4AM - instead of fighting it, embrace it!
Get your favourite mug for your coffee, slap on some under eye patches, pick your card of the day and journal about it. Find a morning yoga flow on YouTube or an EFT tapping session that you want to try.
Move slowly. Quietly.
Romanticize the moment of stillness before the day begins.
Don’t write down a structured plan because that is the best way to NOT want to do any of it, instead ask yourself: “What do I need right now?”
Here are some of my favourite things to do to make it a great morning:
- Affirmations
- Card of the day & journal
- Meditation or EFT (make a playlist on YouTube so you don’t waste your precious morning time looking for the perfect video)
- Yoga flow (again, build the playlist ahead of time)
Or if you’re running a little late, put an earbud in and listen to a podcast while doing your hair and makeup.
If it all seems too boring for you - have a dance party! It gets the blood flowing and you can’t help but have a smile on your face. (Here’s my Happy Morning playlist. Feel free to dance it out!)
Tell me, what are you most excited to try?
Share your morning routine with us and inspire others to hop on the Magical Morning train.
Coffee Cheers,
If Money Wasn’t an Issue… What Would You Do?
We’ve all seen this question before. Maybe on a vision board prompt or a late-night Instagram scroll. We pause for a second, let our mind wander, and then dismiss it.
Not realistic.
Too indulgent.
I should probably say something noble, like volunteering in 10 different ways. (No? Just me?)
But this time, it was different.
He was right in front of me, sipping his coffee, when he asked.
He didn’t need an answer right away, but I knew he’d come back to it. So I couldn’t brush it off this time.
The next day, I sat with the question again: If money wasn’t an issue, what would I do?
Instead of vague dreams, I decided to write down my Ideal Day—a day I could repeat over and over and still feel happy and fulfilled. A day that left space for spontaneous adventures, day dates with friends, or exciting new projects.
A day that looks a little like:
Waking up with the sunrise, sipping my espresso in bed.
Reading, writing, or whatever feels good and creative.
Falling in love with cooking again.
A good workout session…and plenty of space for spontaneity.
And when I looked at that list… I got mad.
I called him immediately.
“I’m mad!” I said. “I look at this list, and it’s all stuff I could do now. So why am I not doing it?”
He smiled. “Because most people won’t even think about it.”
That answer stuck with me.
The list was cute and all, but the next question hit me fast: How do I make money from this?
I sat down with my friend ChatGPT (yes, I mean this one), brainstormed ideas, and—well, you’re looking at one of them.
I always find my way back to content creation, but this time, I have a vision. A plan.
Welcome to Grow, Glow & Become—a space where I share:
Morning rituals & coffee moments
My journey learning a new language for travel adventures
Author aesthetics & cozy bookish vibes
Walks to markets, rediscovering a love for cooking
Fitness, wellness & feeling strong in my body
Evening Moon manifestation rituals
It’s a lot, yes, but it’s all me. And maybe some of it speaks to you, too.
Take this time right now - what would your ideal day look like? If money wasn’t an issue, how would you spend it? Write it down. You might be surprised at how much of it is already within reach.
So, grab your coffee and get comfy.
Welcome to my world.
Coffee Cheers,