40 lessons by 40

Just the thought of making this list was scary. Like… did I even learn 40 lessons in my entire life?! LOL. But here we are, and I promise these aren’t your usual “drink more water” lessons (though, yes, hydration is key).

So, without further delay… let’s get into it:

1. The most recent lesson is the first one I want to share.

Every morning, I open YouTube and see what videos my Guides have queued up for me (because yes, I’ve decided they talk to me through social media, videos, and oddly specific Instagram quotes). This week, I got “I Gave Up, and the Universe Delivered.

The gist? Your life purpose is joy. Not to hustle more, fix more, or do more. Just to stay in the high-vibe vortex and feel good.

Honestly, that takes a whole lot of pressure off. Right?!

2. Need clarity? Ask yourself: What advice would I give my daughter?

Then go do that. Immediately.

3. Similar thought: If your son treated his future partner the way your partner treats you, would you be proud?

If the answer is no… you already know what to do. Run.

4. Say YES and figure out the HOW later.

You’ve done it before. You’ll do it again.

5. Speaking of which—when Ethan said he needed $5,000 for his Europe trip, I didn’t even flinch.

I just said YES. And guess what? I figured it out. So, maybe it’s time to start saying YES to myself in the same way.

6. When Adèle tells me something hurts, I instantly book her acupuncture, physio, or massage.

So why am I not doing that for myself?! Newsflash: I deserve to be cared for, too.

7. Can you do something about it right now? Yes? Do it. No? Let it go.

Example 1: Did I leave my straightener on? Text my daughter to check.

Example 2: Waking up at 3 AM worried about saving for my son’s college… when he’s THREE?! No immediate action needed. Go back to sleep.

8. “Only three more!”

Working out has taught me that when you think you cannot go on, you absolutely can. Life is the same…except there’s no instructor yelling, “Three more weeks! Three more days!” But imagine there is, and push through.

9. Rest is productive.

Yes, I’m a mom, and yes, I know you don’t always get to refill your cup all the way. But even small sips of self-care keep you going. Take them.

10. Everything tastes better in a fancy glass.

And yes, buying that new water bottle will make you drink more water. Science.

11. Move your body daily—but make it something YOU love.

Hate the gym? No problem. Dance, hike, do Pilates in your living room—just move.

12. Your body is doing miracles for you daily.

Your heart beats without you thinking about it. Your lungs fill with air on autopilot. Maybe appreciate that before you get sick and suddenly become grateful for clear sinuses.

13. We live on a floating rock in space because one sperm made it to one egg… and you don’t believe in magic?!


14. Never say, “I’ll do it in the morning.”

Because future you is going to hate you for it. And probably not do it at all.

15. When in doubt, dance it out.

90% of problems are fixable with music and movement.

16. Feeling off? Try this:

Hate everyone? Eat something.

Feel like everyone hates you? Sleep.

Hate yourself? Take a shower.

Feel like everyone hates everyone? Go outside.

17. Romanticize your life.

Smile bigger. Take up space. If they think you’re too much, encourage them to go find less.

18. Skincare > Makeup.

You can always add glow, but nothing beats naturally radiant skin.

19. Learn from your kids.

Just because you’re the adult doesn’t mean you know everything.

20. And treat your kids with respect.

If you want them to listen to you, listen to them.

21. Learn to receive.

Stop deflecting compliments. Just say thank you. Then work your way up to accepting bigger things.

22. Does this make you happy? Yes? Keep going. No? Scrap it.

Easier said than done, but we’re working on it.

23. People don’t always want to see you succeed—they want you to stay the same.

Move in silence. Stop announcing. Start showing.

24. Treat your body, mind, and soul like you love yourself.

Because you should.

25. Spring always comes back.

And I’m not just talking about the weather.

26. The little things? They’re actually the big things.

27. Be extra kind to people in customer service.

Trust me, they need it.

28. If something doesn’t work for you, stop forcing it.

Whether it’s a manifestation method, a relationship, or a pair of jeans that makes you feel meh—let it go.

29. Your dream life? It’s not that far away.

It’s built from small, consistent choices.

30. If a stranger can change your life in 5 weeks, imagine what the right person could do in a lifetime.

31. Sometimes the Universe moves fast when you least expect it.

Stay open.

32. Your 40s are your reinvention era.

And I’m so ready for mine.

33. Becoming your best self is about unlearning just as much as it is about learning.

34. Sometimes the dream life you’re chasing isn’t actually yours—it’s just what you thought you wanted.

Take time to reimagine it.

35. Your intuition? Always right.

Even when you don’t want it to be.

36. Joy is magnetic.

The more you have, the more you attract.

37. Wear more red.

Because Venus in Aries said so.

38. You don’t have to wait until you’re rich to feel rich.

Start embodying her now.

39. There’s always another version of you waiting on the other side of a big leap.

Take it.

40. And finally—COFFEE CHEERS!

Because you already know I’m not ending this any other way.


My 40’s Era: How I’m stepping into the next chapter


The Woman I’ve Become